Keep Waste Out Of Landfills: 3 Alternative To Purchasing Cardboard Boxes That Will Help To Reduce Waste When Moving

Posted on: 13 May 2015

According to the a report conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2007, the average American will move 11.7 times throughout their entire life. Each move can result in a lot of waste being produced, as packing paper and cardboard boxes generally get discarded afterwards. With Americans generating about 251 million tons of trash in 2012, you can do your part by implementing these 3 tips in finding alternatives to purchasing new cardboard boxes in an effort to reduce waste when moving. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Flatbed Trucking

Posted on: 12 May 2015

So you want to move a large shipment from point A to point B, but perhaps you don't want to use a traditional shipping trailer. Maybe your shipment is irregularly shaped and wouldn't fit inside a normal semi-trailer. You might want to save some money and don't need to protect your shipment from the elements. In these cases, you should consider the benefits of hiring a flatbed truck to move your goods. [Read More]

Top 3 Reasons To Charter A Private Jet

Posted on: 6 May 2015

Are you a business owner or an executive who is looking to impress a client? Are the two of you on opposite sides of the country and need to meet face to face? Here are some reasons why you should consider chartering a private jet for the conference meeting: Convenience: Although you may not be aware of it, there could be many smaller private airports nearby that are significantly closer to you than the nearest major airport. [Read More]